Assignment Custom Essay – Hope Papers

Assignment Custom Essay


Drawing on concepts and theories from your study on the module, you are required to answer ONE of the essay questions below and use a specific environmental issue to illustrate your response.

1. What are the challenges involved in creating environmental policies under conditions of scientific uncertainty?
2. Is placing a financial value on the natural environment enough?
3. Evaluate how environmental policies contribute to Sustainable Development?
4. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of ecological modernisation theory?
5. To what extent does Corporate Social Responsibility Policies contribute to environmental protect?
6. How would you assess the significance of attempts to encourage ‘green’ consumption practices?
7. Foreman (1991) states that “we must change our personal life-styles to make them more harmonious with natural diversity”. Discuss to what extent humans are able to do this?

Essay: 2000 word response

Important points to note:

• Assessment 1 encouraged you to read one book about a particular environmental issue. You could consider drawing upon an example/s from that book to support your essay.

I will upload a copy from the journal used in assignment 1 so you can draw examples from it

• Remember the core readings are a good place to begin researching your response. Plus you have been provided with a selected reading list and further references on the weekly lecture slide


Mark Learning Outcome
Introduction – Overview of the chosen natural environmental issue and the significance to society. A clear outline of the issue, the stakeholder[s] response that will be analysed to explore the issue and what is

going to be covered in the assignment. 10 LO3, LO4
Theory – Clear explanation of the theoretical or conceptual framework that is going to be adopted. Outlining the academic debates associated with the theoretical or conceptual framework and providing a

clear rationale for adopting the chosen framework. 30 LO1, LO2
Application – Ability to identify and apply the relevant theoretical and conceptual framework. Students should demonstrate an awareness of the key points from the relevant theory and their significance in

establishing the importance of the environmental issue they have identified. In addition, they should demonstrate an understanding of the anticipated environmental policy response to their chosen environmental

issue. 25 LO3, LO4
Conclusion – The conclusion should be concise and accurately reflect the content of the assignment. A good conclusion will reflect on the strength of the essay’s central argument. 15 LO1, LO2,
Presentation – Well structured, theory applied to the situation, good range of references, well written. 20 LO3, LO4

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