Project Milestone 1 Custom Essay – Hope Papers

Project Milestone 1 Custom Essay

Course Project Milestone 1:
Guidelines and Rubric: SMART Goal Setting
The purpose of the Course Project, “Experiential Leadership Plan,” is to further the application of leadership aspects of the nursing profession through interactive discussion and participation with topic area

experts. The purpose of Milestone 1 is to develop SMART-formatted goals for selected leadership topics, which will be submitted on a form.
Completion of the project enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of

settings (PO 2).
CO2: Implement patient safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the interprofessional team through communication and relationship building (PO 3).
CO3: Participate in the development and implementation of imaginative and creative strategies to enable systems to change (PO 7).
CO4: Apply concepts of leadership and team coordination to promote the achievement of safe and quality outcomes of care for diverse populations (PO 4).
CO5: Apply improvement methods, based on data from the outcomes of care processes, to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of healthcare (PO 8).
CO6: Develop a personal awareness of complex organizational systems and integrate values and beliefs with organizational mission (PO 7).
CO7: Apply leadership concepts in the development and initiation of effective plans for the microsystems and/or system-wide practice improvements that will improve the quality of healthcare delivery (PO 2

and 3).
CO8: Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and outcome measures to identify clinical questions as the beginning process of changing current practice (PO 8).
Milestone 1 consists of the completion of the SMART goal form, located in Doc Sharing. Submit Milestone 1 to the Milestone 1 Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, by the end of Week 2.
This milestone is worth 150 points.
1. Reflect on your practice and consider actions that will help you enhance your knowledge, skills, and attributes (KSAs) that relate to the Course Outcomes in the two defined topic areas identified

2. Download the NR447 Milestone 1 Form from Doc Sharing.
3. Develop two (2) SMART goals, one for each of the following areas of leadership. If you are not currently working and are a full-time student, you might consider using your previous college as the

organization to work with, or choose an organization you hope to work for in the future and use this project to make some key contacts.
• What do you need to do to build stronger communication or leadership skills so that you create a culture of safety and quality within your unit, department, or organization or an organization that

you are seeking employment with in the future?
• Possible KSAs for Goal Setting: conflict resolution, becoming influential, leading change, communication about the patient, communication organization-wide, creating a “just” culture, or crucial

• Over the next 1-3-5 years, where is your organization, department, and/or unit going? How can you identify and become involved in the strategic initiatives of your organization in the next few

weeks? How can you support your organization’s mission during the next few weeks? If you are not currently working, select an organization you think you would like to work with in the future as a nurse

leader and research its mission and vision. How could you contribute to this mission and vision?
• Possible KSAs for Goal Setting based on your organization’s goals: improving organizational performance through planning quality initiatives, beginning the MAGNET journey or continuing the

journey for re-certification, a Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal the organization has committed to achieving, or perhaps your organization is building or expanding services.
4. Examine the CCN library databases that will help you find information on each of the topic areas. Identify peer-reviewed articles and a credible website related to each topic area. Select and

recruit an informational expert to discuss your goals and help you evaluate your outcomes.
5. Develop two (2) leadership goals (one in each topic area) to reflect the attributes of a SMART goal format:
S – Specific (Who is involved in the goal, what is the goal, where will it take place?)
M – Measurable (How are you going to achieve the goal?)
A – Attainable (What resources/expert available to assist you with attaining your goal?)
R – Realistic (Is this goal something that is realistically obtainable in a professional practice?)
T – Time bound (What specific dates or weeks will you accomplish each task of your project goal?)

• Example NOT in SMART format: I will learn how to be a manager. This goal is lofty, not measurable, and unattainable in the time allotted, probably not realistic, and not time bound.
• Example in SMART Format: I will learn the disciplinary process of an employee who has excessive absences, by locating the organization’s attendance policy and meeting with the unit manager,

reviewing peer-reviewed articles and credible websites to obtain information on the disciplinary process by Week 4.

This is a SMART goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound.

S- Specific
o Who- I
o What- Learn the disciplinary process of employees who have excessive absences
o Where- An organization

o How: Through locating the organization’s attendance policy

o Resources/Expert: Meeting with the unit manager, reviewing peer-reviewed articles and credible websites

o Realistically obtainable: Access to the organization, policies, and unit manager
T-Time bound
o Specific dates: By Week 4
6. Construct a plan of action for each SMART goal, identifying the attributes needed in order to achieve your goals; be specific by creating a timeline of when you plan on doing what; explain how,

when, and where you are going to meet or talk with your expert; and identify specific resources you plan on using to help you achieve your goals.
a. Example Plan of Action:
o Seek approval to review the organization’s policies and schedule a meeting/interview with the unit manager by Week 2.
o Review the policies on disciplinary action by Week 3.
o Review the American Nurses Association website and peer-reviewed articles in the American Journal of Nursing and Journal of Advanced Nursing by Week 3.
o Evaluate the findings from the above resources by Week 4.

7. Follow the instructions to enter each SMART goal into the NR447 SMART Goal form. Organize your content logically and write clearly. Check for any grammar or spelling errors before

submission. Make sure that your name is on the form!
8. Submit your completed NR447 SMART Goal Form to the Milestone 1 Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 2.
Category Points % Description
Development of Two Leadership SMART Goals 80 53% Develops two leadership SMART goals, using the SMART goal format containing specific, measurable, attainable, realistic,

and time bound goals.
Plan of Action for Each SMART Goal 50 33% Constructs a plan of action for each SMART goal, identifying the attributes needed in order to achieve each goal; creates a timeline,

explains how the plan will unfold, and which specific resources/expert will be reviewed in effort to achieve each goal.
Clarity of Writing 20 14% Clearly written goals are transcribed onto the form. Content is organized, logical, and with no more than one grammar, spelling, or syntax errors.

Assignment Criteria Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance

A (92-100%) Very Good or High Level of Performance

B (84-91%) Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance

C (76-83%) Poor, Failing, or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance
F (0-75%) Total
Development of two (2) leadership
SMART goals

80 points Develops two SMART goals; one from each leadership criteria. Both goals are written using the SMART goal format containing specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound goals.

74-80 points Develops two SMART goals; one from each leadership criteria. Both goals are written using the SMART goal format; however, one of the components in either of the two goals is not

specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, or time bound goals.

67-73 points Develops two SMART goals; one from each leadership criteria. Both goals are written using the SMART goal format; however, more than one of the components in either of the two

goals are not specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, or time bound goals.

61-66 points Develops fewer than two goals and/or the goals developed do not follow the SMART goal format.

0-60 points /80
Plan of Action constructed for each of the two (2) SMART goals

50 points Constructs a plan of action for each of the two SMART goals, identifying the attributes needed for goal achievement; a timeline and a plan; resources and an expert are mentioned in the plan for

each goal.

46-50 points Constructs a plan of action for each of the two SMART goals; however, one of the identifying attributes (a timeline, plan, resources, or an expert) needed for goal achievement in either

of the two goals is missing.

42-45 points Constructs a plan of action for each of the two SMART goals; however, more than one of the identifying attributes (a timeline, plan, resources, and/or an expert) needed for goal

achievement in either of the two goals are missing.

38-41 points Constructs a plan of action for fewer than two goals and/or multiple identifying attributes (a timeline, plan, resources, and/or an expert) needed for goal achievement in both of the goals

are missing.

0-37 points /50
Clarity of Writing

20 points Clearly written goals (2) are transcribed onto the form. Content is organized, logical, and with no more than one grammar, spelling, or syntax error.

18-20 points Clearly written goals (2) are transcribed onto the form. Content is organized and writing is understandable with no more than two grammar, spelling, or syntax errors.

16-17 points Clearly written goals (2) are transcribed onto the form. Content is organized and writing is understandable with no more than three grammar, spelling, or syntax errors.

14-15 points Information is not filled in correctly on the form. Content is disorganized and writing is unclear with numerous grammar, spelling, or syntax errors.

0-13 points /20
Points Possible= 150 TOTAL Points Earned

Course Project Milestone 1: SMART Goal Setting Form
Your Name: Pauline S. Parker, RN Date: 05/18/2014
Your Instructor’s Name: Tammy Schlosser, RN, MSN

SMART Goal 1: Leadership Development
S: specific
Who is involved in the goal, what is the goal, where will it take place? To increase my leadership abilities in the area of nursing education, my goal is to implement a Practical Nursing Program by the end of

December 30, 2014 at American Academy of Healthcare.
M: measurable
(How are you going to achieve the goal? This goal is successful when I complete and submit the documents required and receive written approval for the Practical Nursing Program from the North

Carolina Board of Nursing to admit 30 students. A: attainable
What resources/expert available to assist you with attaining your goal? Resources that help make this goal attainable include the library database for peer reviewed articles, credible websites, my personal

banker, The North Carolina Community College System Office of Proprietary Schools,
A Practical Nursing Program Consultant, and The North Carolina State Board of Nursing Education Consultant, who will approve the program.R: realistic
Is this goal something that is realistically obtainable in a professional practice? This goal is realistic because I already have preliminary approval for the program, my team of faculty and staff is in place,

and partial financing done. There is a great need for LPN’s in this state due to retirement or transition into RN programs. New hospitals and long term facilities are being built and there are substantial changes

in healthcare. T: time bound
What specific dates or weeks will you accomplish each task of your project goal? 1) Research peer reviewed articles regarding Practical
Nursing Program implementation by June 2, 2014.
2) I will review credible websites to be sure the Practical
Nursing Program will be in compliance.
3) Meet with my personal banker to confirm my finances
are in place by June 16, 2014.
4) Verify my building lease and required equipment as
listed by the North Carolina Board of Nursing is ready
by July 7, 2014.
5) Meet with the Practical Nursing Program Consultant to
review all of the North Carolina Board of Nursing
documents by August 4, 2014.
6) I want to have written approval by the North Carolina
Board of Nursing by December 29, 2014.
7) I will be accepting enrollees into the Practical Nursing
Program by January 15, 2015.Smart Goal
Written in a complete sentence To increase my leadership abilities in the area of nursing education, I will implement a Practical Nursing Program as measured by gaining approval of the North Carolina

Board of Nursing by December 29, 2014 and enrolling 30 students by January 15, 2015.
Plan of Action
Attributes needed to achieve the goal; timeline of when you plan on doing what; explain how, when, and where you are going to meet or talk with your expert; and identify specific resources you plan on using

to help you achieve your goals. 1) Research peer reviewed articles regarding Practical
Nursing Program implementation by June 2, 2014 and
use this information to draft Milestone 2 and incorporate
this information into the North Carolina Board of Nursing
Practical Nursing Program and use this information to
draft Milestone 2.
2) I will review credible websites to be sure the Practical
Nursing Program will be in compliance and use this
information to draft Milestone 2.
3) Meet with my personal banker to confirm my finances
are in place by June 16, 2014 and verify finances for
program expenses.
4) Verify my building lease and required equipment as
listed by the North Carolina Board of Nursing is ready
by July 7, 2014.
5) Meet with the Practical Nursing Program Consultant to
review all of the North Carolina Board of Nursing
documents by August 4, 2014 and include this
information in Milestone 2.
6) I want to have written approval by the North Carolina
Board of Nursing by December 29, 2014.
7) I will be accepting enrollees into the Practical Nursing
Program by January 15, 2015.
SMART Goal 2: Organizational Planning
S: specific
Who is involved in the goal, what is the goal, where will it take place? To increase my leadership abilities in the area of nursing education, my goal is to implement a training program to assist all PN students

at American Academy of Healthcare to pass the North Carolina NCLEX by May 1, 2016.
M: measurable
How are you going to achieve the goal? This goal is successful when I complete the training program and provide the Practical Nursing students with a pre-test, engage in classroom and lab, and then

provide feedback via theory discussion, demonstration, and post-exam. This goal will be successful when 97% of the Practical Nursing students pass the final exam.A: attainable
What resources/expert available to assist you with attaining your goal? Resources that help make this goal attainable include the library database for peer reviewed articles, credible websites, NCLEX review

books, Professors, additional instructors, and The National Council of State Boards of Nursing NCLEX Review Course.R: realistic
Is this goal something that is realistically obtainable in a professional practice? This goal is realistic because I already have preliminary
review questions from books previous student exams. This goal is realistically obtainable by taking a pre-test (measure students level of understanding) 1 week prior to classes and taking post-test (measuring

students level of understanding) 1 week post classes. There is a great need for NCLEX exam review as the public must be protected by harm by safe nursing practice with continuous changes in healthcare.
T: time bound
What specific dates or weeks will you accomplish each task of your project goal? 1) Research peer reviewed articles regarding Practical
Nursing NCLEX by September 1, 2014.
2) I will review credible websites to be sure the Practical
Nursing NCLEX Training Program is in compliance with
state regulations by September 29, 2014.
3) Meet with my DNP to confirm the program is in place by
October 30, 2014.
4) Meet with other instructors to review the NCLEX
Training Program so it flows with their curriculum by
November 10, 2014.
5) Meet with the DNP and all instructors to verify
acceptance of the NCLEX Training Program by January
5, 2015.
Smart Goal
Written in a complete sentence To increase my leadership abilities in the area of nursing education, I will implement an NCLEX Training Program as measured by the DNP and other instructors at

American Academy of Healthcare by January 15, 2015
Plan of Action
Attributes needed to achieve the goal; timeline of when you plan on doing what; explain how, when, and where you are going to meet or talk with your expert; and identify specific resources you plan on using

to help you achieve your goals. 1) Research peer reviewed articles regarding the NCLEX
Training Program by September 1, 2014 and use this
information to draft Milestone 2.
2) I will review credible websites to be sure the NCLEX
Program will be in compliance with state regulations by
September 29, 2014 and draft this information in
Milestone 2.
3) Meet with my DNP to confirm the program is in place by
October 30, 2014.
4) Meet with other instructors to review the NCLEX
Training Program so it flows with their curriculum by
November 10, 2014.
5) Meet with the DNP and all instructors to verify
acceptance of the NCLEX Training Program by January
5, 2015.
6) I want to have an NCLEX Training Program to assist all
PN students at American Academy of Healthcare to
pass the North Carolina NCLEX by May 1, 2016)

Category Points
Possible Points Earned Comments
Development of two (2) leadership
SMART goals 80 points for all SMART goals 72 You have great starts here. Review my comments and remember that you want to measure something before the Milestone Three paper

is submitted in both goals.
Plan of action constructed for each of the two (2) SMART goals 50 points for all SMART goals 45 You have a great start on your plan of action. Remember that you must have a plan that

addresses a step for expert interview in both goals. You must also change some dates for steps in goal two as you will definitely be finding your article and interviewing your expert in the next week or two.
Clarity of writing 20 points 20 Clearly written
Total 150 points Points earned = 137Pauline Parker


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